Thursday, March 22, 2012

I voted for you: AMERICA FIRST

I voted for you: AMERICA FIRST: When I voted for you I felt change was in the wind. It was, but not as I expected. What happened to the promises? What happened to the line ...

Sunday, November 13, 2011


When I voted for you I felt change was in the wind. It was, but not as I expected. What happened to the promises? What happened to the line by line review of the budget? I Voted for a common sense government. Where is it? It isn't the 1% that is causing the problems for the 99%. It is the lack of basic values promised and not delivered. It is the political parties more concerned for their majority than they are about the public good. It is the companies that value the bottom line not realizing that their greatest asset is the people that work for those companies. These are the same people that buy the products the companies produce, while laying off the workers producing them.
It's forgetting that main street runs the economy and has the power . I don't question your integrity or trying, but we cannot wait while poor judgement by both political parties and gridlock prevents us from feeding our families or losing our businesses and jobs and homes.
$100.00 for a tank of gas while oil companies make billions in profit? Ridiculous. High property taxes while services are being cut? Ridiculous.
This is not the fault of the American worker, it is the lack of leadership and priority. Ask the average American where our tax dollars should be spent while he or she waits in line to find a job.

What we need is to put America first.
What ever happened to Patriotism?
I voted for you.
It is time for jobs to stay in America instead of being exported to better a company's bottom line.
 I voted for you.
It is time to access the American taxpayers money being sent to other countries, while our infrastructure is falling apart.   
I voted for you.        
 It is time for the political party's to stop passing laws that benefit their own re-election, and limiting the basic freedoms our constitution was to afford us.
I voted for you.
It is time for us to remove ourselves from the business of Nation building, and rebuild our own nation.
I voted for you.
It's time for every American to get good quality health care while protecting the Medical community in a fair and equitable way. Allow the Doctors to practice without the insurance companies controlling medicine.
I voted for you.
It is time for education to be a top priority in order to keep our country competitive. And to fairly compensate the educators for their hard dedicated work.
I voted for you.
It is time to stop large corporations like Exxon/Mobil from making billions in profit as the get tax breaks, while the average american can't afford to buy gas to go to the unemployment office.
I voted for you.
It is time to stop talking about alternative energy and do something about it.
I voted for you.
It is time to hold elected officials accountable for the promises made while running for office.
I voted for you.
It is time to spend "our money" in america to benefit Americans.
I voted for you.
It is time to level the playing field and tax imports allowing American workers to compete in a global market fairly.
I voted for you.
It is time to change the system of voting for a president that actually reflects the desires of the people and not the electoral college. One person one vote.
I voted for you.
It is time for America to look after America.
I voted for you.
It is time to hold the banks accountable for not loaning money to people to buy homes and finance business while they enjoy the benefit of our tax dollars bailing them out.
I voted for you.
It is time to bail out the average american with the same fairness as we did the banking industry and auto industry.
I voted for you.
It is time to take care of our military veterans and those still in service and to properly compensate them for protecting our freedoms.
I voted for you.

It is time to use" Common Sense" to run our country.

I voted for you to represent us and protect our interests, I'm still waiting.

It is time for the politicians to realize that unless there are some real  immediate changes,



(take back America)